Friday, June 19, 2009

Farmers throw a fit and I miss Spain

So I was supposed to go to Spain today to see Kelly. She's in Valladolid for work and has been shut in a lab all week. I was looking forward to going to Spain for the first time and she was really looking forward to a visit from someone who speaks English (though I'm sure that wasn't her only motivation)
I left Leuven with Gudrun several hours in advance of our flight. We should have made it there with hours to waste, but we got to the E40 and had no where to go. Traffic was parked in front of us as far as the eye could see, the overpasses were stuck just the same. There was no where to go and there didn't seem to be any news of the traffic hold up on the radio, so there we sat in the car watching the minutes tick away before our flight. No news, no progress. Finally, after our check-in gate had already closed and our flight was boarding did we make our way to en exit not the airport, just the first exit from the highway). I called the airline to see if there was any hope that our flight had been delayed, but nothing so we packed it in as a bad job and went home. When we got home, it turns out that all over the news was the story about dairy farmers protesting the low price of milk. They were purposely stopping the E40 in both directions for demonstration. Even more irritating than that is that I got stuck in the demonstration AT Schuman circle yesterday. They'd setup police barricades and barbed wire fences and I never even considered that the protest would still be going on today, let along affect traffic patterns 20k outside the city.
Kelly was really bummed we missed the weekend, but she sent out 3 invitations to go with her to Salamanca on Couch Surfing to local travelers and got a reply from a couple of students from France studying in Spain for the semester. So they ended up having a fun time, that is Kelly's story though. If we all ask nicely, I hope she will post it here in a comment, the story about big coincidences in a small world. C'mon Kel. Please?

1 comment:

Kelly said...

Haha, well, I would, but the story is too long to fit here. I just tried :)