Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Man, so I just finished Stephanie Meyer's book Twilight . I bought the electronic version a few weeks ago. I just happened upon it in the eBook store and remembered Chris mentioning he was reading it a while ago, also Rachel had sheepishly admitted that she loved the series and recommended it probably a ear ago, now.
It's been sitting in my book for a few weeks now, I'd read the first 20 pages or so here and there at bus stops and in between other books but finally sat down to read it yesterday. I couldn't put it down after that. In the last 48 hours I've had that book with me at all times, taking every chance I got to read a few more pages on the train, before the bus came, on the bus, waiting for the boys to come out of class, etc. I've happily lost a bit of sleep over it too. It's now half past 1 in the morning and I'm shopping for the next book in the series.
Not particularly exciting news, not really anything to do with me living in Europe except that I've really been enjoying my time to read for fun, at my own pace, and read whatever the heck I want to. I luxury I often missed in the past. Am I ever going to adjust to a life after this when I don't get to read all day? Sounds criminal.


MES said...

hello Chris,
I just ran in the house after Hannah dropped me off and had a few minutes and thought, "Chris' blog." SO I am caught up on your writing and a little bit on you. I keep thinking that if we do not have time for people due to other demands, what is the point? So I am telling everyone that Hannah is my priority this year and no other obligation will stand over her last year at home full time. We have finished school, I just have to grade and average- next Wednesday. Camp Board has been very demanding, but I have stood my ground and things are still moving along, or ahead. This is our favorite time of year to think about yard projects, planting and enjoying the weather. My brother is more independent so I don't need to change bandages everyday, just every three days.
Are they looking for an au pair in the fall?

chris v. said...

They are looking for an au pair to take over my post in the fall! Last I heard Valerie was getting into longer interviews with 3 possible candidates, two she favors and a third back-up. Nothing is decided yet though. She asked earlier last month if I knew anyone who would be interested in coming here, though none of my friends is ready to uproot their lives at the moment. I understand where they are coming from, but I really hoped I could pass the torch on to someone that wasn't a stranger.

Thanks for reading and again, thanks for letting me know you're reading! :-)

gibtzumich318 said...

Hey there! I am so glad you finally finished Twilight! The next 3 books are just as amazing! I plan on reading them again as the movies come out. Its amazing how addicting the entire series was. Also her book The Host is really good too. I am hoping she will turn that into a series too as she left it to where it could be.

chris v. said...

Oh my god, tell me about it! I'm almost finished with book 3...I rewatched the movie as I was finishing the first book. Really, I liked the movie when it came out, but after reading the books the movie just moves too fast. The next books are even more busy than the first, I can't imagine they'll turn out to be even close to the book.

Unknown said...

Seeing the hour at which you posted this and your description of how engrossed you were reminded me of a little bedtime reading I once did. The cover described James Dickey as the poet laureate of Esquire magazine. Ah, a poet author, just the thing to put me to sleep. Plus, it was about canoes and wilderness. At 2 am I put down Deliverance and stared at the ceiling traumatized for another hour! Too bad the movie hadn't come out yet - I might have known better than to think it was a book that would help me fall asleep.

Beware of careeritis. Life is too short to cut out passions for pennies.