Wednesday, December 31, 2008

The Accidental Fur Coat Caper

I went to a thrift shop the other day with Amber, she's quite a clothes horse but has a tight budget so it's a good thing she gets a kick out of second hand clothes. Plus she wants to be a professional fashion stylist so she can make the goofiest looking outfit look really cool.
Anyway, I wasn't planning to buy anything but I saw these coats on one of the racks that I couldn't pass up. You see, we're going to a themed New Year's Eve party at a club here in London. It is one that Gudrun's friend Amani picked out, the theme is 'The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe" and these coats happen to be enormous fur coats. Some of them fur, the other clearly fake and I thought it would be fun to show up to the party in a bit of costume (but one I can play off if no one else at the party has any interest in costuming it up! haha). Well there was one tiger patterned one that I liked, but I still have a really awesome leopard coat at home in the states, so I figured I didn't need another outrageous coat like that so I settled on a simple brown one that was certainly in my price range at 12 euros. The tiger one was 15 and the real furs were 50-70 euro range.
So we left the shop and this was during the cold snap we were having so as we were walking to the bus I draped the coat over the shoulders of my usual raincoat to keep a little warmer and after a minute or two I started to suspect this coat because it was really warm and completely draft free. Anyone who has owned a faux-fur coat knows that they're warm, but still ventilate like cotton. So while we were in the bus Amber helped me look for any markings in the lining to indicate what this coat was but there were none so we tried to find a place where the lining was worn out or tearing. We found a small spot but still couldn't get a good view of the underside of the "material." (I'm still in a bit of denial, so I haven't searched too hard. People who eat steak probably still don't want to visit the slaughter house, kind of thing)
Long story short, I kept the coat and wore it to the party and was glad of it too, I was the only one not freezing on our way back to the hotel after the party. It has come to be known as 'the animal' and it is hanging in the spare room here at the moment because there isn't enough room to hang it in my own wardrobe.

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